A Special Mom
A mother passes away but it is clear to us that you lives forever in our hearts.
you are not forgotten, though on earth you are no more, still in memory you are with us, as you always were before.
For You Mom ( Trinidad Paderes Naron Nov 22, 1952 ~ Oct 03, 2009 )
A Special Mom
© Kelley D. Osman
Mom loved us from our first breath, held our hands through the years, guided us along the paths that our lives took, taught us that there is nothing we can't make it through to hold our faith and follow our hearts. She gave us her all and asked nothing in return.
She gave us all the stepping stones in life to become the people we are today, and through it all she stood proud of us all. Her family (husband, children and grandchildren) meant everything in the world to her.
It will be hard on us to let her go physically, but we carry her with us each and everyday in our hearts and our thoughts. The sun rising will remind us of the warmth of her love. Flowers blooming will remind us of her love for life. Our trials and tribulations will remind us of how strong willed she was. There's a part of her in each and every person that hears or reads this and we can all be so honored that she was a part of our lives.
We will always love you mom. We will carry you with us each day in our hearts. We will mourn our loss but rejoice that you are in a better place sitting with your loved ones, awaiting our arrival one day.
My lips cannot tell how I miss you, my heart cannot tell what to say; God alone knows how I miss you, our home is much too lonesome today.
I love you very Much Mama!!!
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